Organizing Committee
Organizing Committee - Shall assist the Local in organizing new members into the Union.
Beth Sherman
Carla Campos
Diego Medina
Hernan Reyes
Why Organize?
In over 80% of the American Workplace, workers have little or no protection from unfair labor practices, inequitable promotions and harassment. Workers with years in a company are being fired for earning more than the company wants to pay them. All the time the average salary of American Worker is being degraded, CEOs and upper level managers are reaping outrageous salary increases and payouts. More Americans than ever before are not covered by health care insurance. Organizing your workplace can protect you from mistreatment, secure your salary and increase your benefits.
A union contract can spell out the way employees are treated, promoted and compensated. If management does not follow the contract, the employees have recourses in place to help them. In a non-union workplace management makes the rules and employees have little or no recourse available to them.
Personal Testimony From CWA 9413 Member
What is the most important part of your Union contract, and why?
"The whole contract is important. In it, we have set how much we get paid and when our pay increases occur. It spells out employment security, company - union relations, job titles, compensation and how time off is scheduled. In it we have also determined our problem resolutions and lay off procedures. To me, knowing that there is an agreement between employees and the company means we will be treated fairly, entitled to the same benefits all other employees receive and, should my job be eliminated, I will have a chance to find a job else where in the company or receive
compensation if I can't."
Scott Powell, CWA 9413
Organizing Links
District Nine's Organizing Page
CWA International's Organizing Page
For more information on this or any CWA 9413 Committees please contact us at (775) 322-9413 or
Beth Sherman
Carla Campos
Diego Medina
Hernan Reyes
Why Organize?
In over 80% of the American Workplace, workers have little or no protection from unfair labor practices, inequitable promotions and harassment. Workers with years in a company are being fired for earning more than the company wants to pay them. All the time the average salary of American Worker is being degraded, CEOs and upper level managers are reaping outrageous salary increases and payouts. More Americans than ever before are not covered by health care insurance. Organizing your workplace can protect you from mistreatment, secure your salary and increase your benefits.
A union contract can spell out the way employees are treated, promoted and compensated. If management does not follow the contract, the employees have recourses in place to help them. In a non-union workplace management makes the rules and employees have little or no recourse available to them.
Personal Testimony From CWA 9413 Member
What is the most important part of your Union contract, and why?
"The whole contract is important. In it, we have set how much we get paid and when our pay increases occur. It spells out employment security, company - union relations, job titles, compensation and how time off is scheduled. In it we have also determined our problem resolutions and lay off procedures. To me, knowing that there is an agreement between employees and the company means we will be treated fairly, entitled to the same benefits all other employees receive and, should my job be eliminated, I will have a chance to find a job else where in the company or receive
compensation if I can't."
Scott Powell, CWA 9413
Organizing Links
District Nine's Organizing Page
CWA International's Organizing Page
For more information on this or any CWA 9413 Committees please contact us at (775) 322-9413 or